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Bravo Company 455 is a group of PvE-focused players that want to have fun and complete both normal-level and endgame content. We...

We are Delta 743, welcome, there is always something going on. Oh and the chat can get very random at times. despite...

We're a bunch of people spread across a lot of different timezones, from the UK (and EU) to throughout the US, that...

Welcome to Charlie 683 (aka The Mad Militia). We are a very active group who plainly just enjoy playing Destiny. We have...

Gamers from all walks of life. We primarily play PVE and have a core group that will help with end game activities...

Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 26. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most games are private for group members and then public for last spots if any appear. So join up to see our...

Welcome to The Mad Militia. We are a Xbox & PC gaming community, covering multiple games but primarily Destiny 2. We are...

We enjoy ALL of the content that the game has to offer, but never take anything so serious that we can’t find...

Pretty chill clan based out of Saskatchewan, Canada mostly and we have an Aussie! We usually play on evenings and weekends on...

We are a group who enjoy playing Destiny together and meeting new people. Many of us enjoy helping each other gear up...

No salt allowed. It's a game, we are here to have fun. We are a group of adult gamers looking to play...

We are a multi-game community that promotes fairness, participation, dedication, and co-operation in the games we play and the members we participate...

Website: | Discord Partnered: | PixelPub is an international gaming community that strives to provide the best in social gaming....

Website: | Discord Partnered: | PixelPub is an international gaming community that strives to provide the best in social gaming....

Website: | Discord Partnered: | PixelPub is an international gaming community that strives to provide the best in social gaming....

Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

MFT Gaming . We are the new beginning and the ones that will set the bar for the next level of achievements...

Most members live in the America/Adak time zone. Our average age is 20. Most of us prefer no profanity. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

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