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We are mainly a PVE focussed clan but there are quite a few of us who specialise in PVP and taking trips to the Lighthouse.

Please use the messages on the Delta 425 main page to post questions or ask for help with quests, raids etc. If you have yet to complete the raid let us know we have a team of sherpas who are on hand to help you kick some oryx ass. See you star side.

D425 Xbox Clan "The Celestial Nomads"

If you love the 425 and want to join our xbox clan please click the button and join the ranks of The Celestial Nomads

Come join us on Discord!!

Think you've got skills? see where you stand in the Bungo leaderboard!


Here are some of the 425's favourite streamers



pvp, pve, profanity ok

Upcoming Games

No upcoming games currently.

Most Active Members


hockey, profanity ok, pve, pvp, music, parent


i suck at jumping but apart from that i'm almost average, , almost 😁!, old fart, but young at heart.

pve, profanity ok, raid rookie

Rancid Insane

chilled fun gaming, raider, willing to help if i can, parent, sherpa,

profanity ok, pve, xbox one

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pvp, pve, profanity ok

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