That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Full run. Possibly all solar, or all the same class. Or maybe both? We can figure it out at game time

Boss CP just so we can get it done.

The final secret to get the class item and the catalyst.

2nd Encounter master challenge round 2. If you get it done, you can add this to your bullet points. Elon will be proud.

Full run for those red borders. Lord of Wolves goes brrr.....

Recent Games

Full run for the red border quest. May the red borders drop a plenty.

Second encounter Master Challenge. Hopefully, we have a good burn. Lord of Wolves go brrrrrrr....

Worms and secrets, oh my!

Last week, Pie missed out. This week, will there be a clear?

Another full run. Another disappointment for Grim.

Grim is still on that hunt for the exotic. Full run because I'm still missing armor pieces as well.

This week, Grim will stop throwing. He's throwing on that ugly hat and getting all the DPS with grenades.

Week 2 worms and whatever else


profanity ok, warlock, parent

parent, pve, pvp


sherpa, epic mod, alpha clan admin


raid, titan, pve, sherpa, warlock


shoot shit, don't die, thats a wipe, t bag as necessary


charlie alpha lima

cat genx

sherpa, hunter, titan, warlock, xbox one, microphone


pvp, parent, pve


profanity ok, pve, sherpa