I like to raid and pve a lot. I'm down for being a Sherpa if you need it, I've been playing since day 1.

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striker, pvp, titan, sherpa, microphone

warlock,hunter,titan pve, pvp raider, nightfall parent control, gjallarhorn club member

parent, gjally member, raider, warlock, gunslinger, titan, defender

el rolio

pve, parent, titan, hunter, defender, sherpa

warlock, sunsinger, parent, pve, titan, i bite

bacon enthusiast, reluctant sherpa, all classes, iron banner scrublord, microphone, defender


timinator2010memorialraidteam, gjallahorn owners club, have gun will travel, pvp meat shield, nlbas, member of the wuffo-pack


pve, warlock, hunter, microphone, raider

titan, defender, casual, weekly challenges, raid

The Fist Lane

chuck norris and i both clog the toilet by going number 1.