Have a good time🎉, play smart🚀, and don't stand in the fire🔥!
Well, hello there fellow Guardian... I see you’ve stumbled across the '700 that once reached beyond the stars but these days has to settle for planet Earth. We have outposts all over the EDZ, old North America and the great north. So you’ll never be short of someone to game with whether that'll be Raiding, Strikes, Story Missions, Crucible or just chilling and busting some high fives in the Tower.
We play the game for fun but will always enjoy getting the job done in the best of ways - cracking jokes and being part of a team, but also being focused when required and enjoying the experience. Being part of 700 Ways to Die in the world of Destiny means you will represent the best of what we stand for, and you'll find more about that in the 700 Ways to Die Clan Info tab. For now, sign up to our 100 Group, and start joining games and posting.
The 700 Clan is a good group of gamers that love to push end game content. We are a semi-casual group that loves to raid and do end game content. We are an active clan that will help sherpa clanmates, and we also stream on both twitch and Facebook gaming! Please remember that "reserve" does not automatically add you as an attendee if a spot becomes available, please use the "waitlist" functionality instead.700 Ways to Die - The official clan of BC700
Link to 700 Ways To Die Discord Channel
Number of Raid Exotics dropped
Upcoming Games
- 06:00 PM PST - WED 03/05
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 2 waitlist
Quick Red Border Run
Six_E1ght#1737 2029
MisterMustangGT 2028
Stoicsilver360 2023
Disaster 001 2026
Nye#2616 1829
Binky Griptight Binky Griptight#4979 2034 waitlist #1
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017 waitlist #2
- 06:30 PM PST - WED 03/05
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 waitlist
All players and skill levels welcome! Lets have some fun!
NeoFie 1584
AtomicGrendel 2027
Binky Griptight Binky Griptight#4979 2034
Stashmanfbomber 2019
Spcy84 2029
WarBeast80#8948 2032
windsider5 1970 waitlist #1
- 05:30 PM PST - THU 03/06
- PC
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 11 Players / 12
- 1 reserve
All players and skill levels welcome! Come get the Ergo Sum Catalyst- Spot saved for Peppyimp and Kevlar
Nye#2616 1829
JC.KAL 1832
sraf 1826
Six_E1ght#1737 2029
Thistles Thistles#9781 1798
Disaster 001 2026
WarBeast80#8948 2032
HisFlynessSTU2 2021 reserve #1
- 06:30 PM PST - FRI 03/07
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 2 Players / 3
Still looking for Ice Braker
Disaster 001 2026
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017
- 05:00 PM PDT - SUN 03/09
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
Kali farm for red borders
Stoicsilver360 2023
Six_E1ght#1737 2029
jimmy#4948 2023
Disaster 001 2026
windsider5 1970
- 06:30 PM PDT - MON 03/10
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 2 waitlist
All players and skill levels welcome! Lets have some fun!
NeoFie 1584
Six_E1ght#1737 2029
Thistles Thistles#9781 1798
Stashmanfbomber 2019
WarBeast80#8948 2032
Disaster 001 2026
windsider5 1970 waitlist #1
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017 waitlist #2
- 06:30 PM PDT - WED 03/12
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 waitlist
All players and skill levels welcome! Red Boarders?
NeoFie 1584
Six_E1ght#1737 2029
AtomicGrendel 2027
Stashmanfbomber 2019
WarBeast80#8948 2032
Disaster 001 2026
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017 waitlist #1
- 06:30 PM PDT - THU 03/13
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 2 waitlist
All players and skill levels welcome! Knock Knock!!!!
NeoFie 1584
Stashmanfbomber 2019
Disaster 001 2026
windsider5 1970 waitlist #1
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017 waitlist #2
- 06:30 PM PDT - MON 03/17
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
All players and skill levels welcome! Red Boarders?
NeoFie 1584
Stashmanfbomber 2019
Disaster 001 2026
windsider5 1970
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476 2017
- 05:30 PM PDT - WED 05/10
- Xbox
- 700 Ways to Die
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 39 waitlist
- 13 reserves
Sorry for the short notice.
Fortunate186 Fortunate186#0500 2029
peoplemachine 1828
jonny2combz 1350
ScKeptiC17 1336 waitlist #1
NeoFie 1584 waitlist #2
Redeye Carci 1773 waitlist #3
RhinoSix 1555 waitlist #4
BlackyMcSlappy2 waitlist #5
Kill Cartwright 1834 waitlist #6
Stashmanfbomber 2019 waitlist #7
sraf 1826 waitlist #8
Disaster 001 2026 waitlist #9
wyldeshooterwon 2024 waitlist #10
Anticyt 2013 waitlist #11
ThePalauanOak (Deathwind) 2004 waitlist #12
G33ZLUIS 1815 waitlist #13
Mizulander 1804 waitlist #14
epichottub 1608 waitlist #15
Crelder 1828 waitlist #16
Binky Griptight Binky Griptight#4979 2034 waitlist #17
Blestbinkie 1561 waitlist #18
Amp 001 1831 waitlist #19
F0ndue for Two 1953 waitlist #20
k iller waitlist #21
Zee559 1829 waitlist #22
Haitoe 1341 waitlist #23
Luda Luda#3154 1818 waitlist #24
Thistles Thistles#9781 1798 waitlist #25
the blu spyder 2005 waitlist #26
Cleezus of Naz 2023 waitlist #27
HisFlynessSTU2 2021 waitlist #28
Reaper Of Vale waitlist #29
ghola#8131 ghola#8131 1830 waitlist #30
Spcy84 2029 waitlist #31
[email protected] baddweasel#6920 2024 waitlist #32
7MinuteAbs 1831 waitlist #33
Sidesupageek 1815 waitlist #34
jujmando1928 1320 waitlist #35
Nyrro 1801 waitlist #36
Soccerman2011 1800 waitlist #37
Fatesealer85 1996 waitlist #38
USEwhenSUSPNDED 2004 waitlist #39
Daalis 1580 reserve #1
G SpAm 2007 reserve #2
ExpertGeek ExpertGeek#4311 1994 reserve #3
DuDuu Baby 1828 reserve #4
MasterHighley14 1575 reserve #5
CompileRX8 1325 reserve #6
Vacren 1593 reserve #7
jediwannabe79 1588 reserve #8
JC.KAL 1832 reserve #9
Nye#2616 1829 reserve #10
willie bob 2027 reserve #11
josiahswims 1832 reserve #12
AtomicGrendel 2027 reserve #13