Upcoming Games
- 05:45 PM PST - TUE 03/04
- Seven of the IX
- Mic required
- 2 Players / 3
Pre-raid GM
Coolmotif Coolmotif#6682 2031
lane_ave_jake LaneAveJake#6895 2028
- 06:30 PM PST - TUE 03/04
- PC
- Seven of the IX
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
Let's try all stasis at Oracles again!
lane_ave_jake LaneAveJake#6895 2028
dvntsvnt deviant#2327 2027
Coolmotif Coolmotif#6682 2031
JelyFisch JelyFisch#7597 1580
HighxxSociety 2019
- 06:30 PM PST - WED 03/05
- PC
- Seven of the IX
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 12
JelyFisch JelyFisch#7597 1580
lane_ave_jake LaneAveJake#6895 2028
dvntsvnt deviant#2327 2027
- 06:30 PM PST - THU 03/06
- Seven of the IX
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Can someone teach me the new dungeon?
HighxxSociety 2019
lane_ave_jake LaneAveJake#6895 2028
dvntsvnt deviant#2327 2027
- 07:30 PM PDT - TUE 05/04
- Seven of the IX
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 4 waitlist
- 3 reserves
This is a game for the cool kids
dr_boneus dr_boneus#0403 1973
JelyFisch JelyFisch#7597 1580
rogpog19 2017
Slaycompton 2023 waitlist #1
Gentlemens_mark 1235 waitlist #2
Coolmotif Coolmotif#6682 2031 waitlist #3
dvntsvnt deviant#2327 2027 waitlist #4
aznthunder2k6 1331 reserve #1
tb657e 1900 reserve #2
Parzeval38 1575 reserve #3