We invite you to join us and become part of our growing community of active and committed Destiny players who are friendly, knowledgeable, and supportive. Whether you are looking to join a clan or just be part of our amazing community, we welcome you to socialize, have fun, and play a few games.
Discord is a vital part in activities so be sure to join our discord and have a mic to participate. Pop into Shaxx's Tower to say hello! Our discord also has more info on us in case you want to join one of the clans!
Our Discord Link can be found below:

Upcoming Games
No upcoming games currently.
Most Active Members
parent (2), raids, pve, pvp
pvp, raider, mayhen clash, sherpa, dutch/german/english, adults only
sherpa, technology, play 10+ hours a week, casual, parents, pve
pvp, pve, casual, adults only, raid rookie
raid rookie, parent, profanity ok