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Welcome to AC001

I've got you buddy!

We are what is left after the collapse of the Golden Age of Clans, the darkness invaded our borders and and corrupted our clan. Doubt and disbelief took over and friendships bond was broken in some cases.
We hold out hope in the universe for a Grand Unity in the bathing in the light should that be our Destiny. And one day being one day united with our brothers in arms once again.
If you are looking for a place of shelter from the LFG fanatics then request to join.
Our rules are simple, and the Main One! Numero Uno #1 is BE NICE.

We've created a Discord server so we can better coordinate our game sessions. Email us at Alpha001Company with your XBOX/ username if you want to join.

Additionally, we have a Bungie clan for dedicated players. Clan membership is not required. The AC001 clan is invite-only. If you're interested in joining the clan, join both the AC001 group on the100 and our Discord server, be active on both, and let the mod team know that you're interested in clan membership.

We hope you enjoy your experience here in AC001. Please let us know if you have questions or if there is anything we can do to help you on your quest to become legend!

Thank you.
- Your Admin team!


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Why Discord?

DIscord is a great way to communicate in a fast moving world, you can use it on the go or via a PC/Mac. We use Discord for it's instant messaging and as a collaboration tool. Download the Android or Apple apps and send us an email to get a personal invite to our Discord server.

Why Join?

We have setup our Discord server to allow likeminded Gaurdians to have a place to talk about the latest Destiny news. We have channels for general chat, Destiny spoilers (it's hidden if you don't want to see it), LFG request channel and of course the100 posts our active group games. That isn't them all but it's enough to start with, we are constantly evolving and open to suggestions.
If your a bit bored or want to plan a game, join us for a bit of banter or to let of steam!

Do I Have To Join?

Not at all! We provide Discord only as a tool to help maximize your AC001 experience. Request an invite by emailing us at [email protected] if you want to join. Make sure to include your XBOX/the100 username in your email.


General Rules

Creating and Joining Sessions

H3ro1c M3d1c


hunter, xbox one, play 20+ hours a week, casual, parents, pve

Upcoming Games

This group has chosen to make all games private.

Most Active Members

H3ro1c M3d1c

hunter, xbox one, play 20+ hours a week, casual, parents, pve


press x to revive, profanity ok, pve, parent

titan, pve, casual, parents, hunter, parent

xbox one, pvp, pve, hunter

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profanity ok, pvp, pve, ib, c, raids,, you know the rest., sherpa

Group Platforms
Games Played
Group Sherpas


Group Chat

This group has chosen to make all chat private.