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Interested in joining the B-17?
B17 is welcoming new members!
Since the inception of B17 we've been on an incredible journey going from 8 members to well over 70 active members! We have watched this clan grow with each addition bringing new energy, strength, and friendship. If you’re looking for a clan or a new clan we are an amazing group of people with talents that extend far beyond gaming. Together we’re a tight group who loves to rise to the new challenges Bungie never quits providing. The B-17 is currently looking for new members or other small xbox clans to join up in the fight against the darkness.
If you or friends you know like to raid, PvP, or just screw around with in Destiny and think you’d enjoy a closer knit group create or join a game to let us know! is where we organize our games, join an existing game or post a new game and get to know our group!
Make sure to join the Xbox/Bungie clan as well to get your sweet B 17 clan tag in game!
Click here for information to join the clan!
Jump in, join up and let's shoot some aliens!
Upcoming Games
No upcoming games currently.
Most Active Members
pvp, sherpa, pve, profanity ok, shenaniganer
pve, parent(4), profanity ok
pve, pvp, parent, profanity ok
chill raider, hunter, titan, srl junkie, bananas
pc, warlock, pve, microphone, xbox one, titan
This group is full, but you can automatically join a similar one!