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First time running this so be chill have FFFFun...

fresh run for red borders and exotic stuff. be chill have fun.

run to 50 just because.... be chill have fun stuff and things as always...

Fresh run, need the exotic, maybe some red borders and stuff . Be chill have fun.

Fresh run and if possible burn the boss three times for a chance to drop the exotic.....please.

try for the 50 bomb and if necessary farm waves of 10.... be chill have fun run for an hour or two...



parent, xbox ambassador


pve, pvp, adult, microphone, profanity ok

A Mad Bloke

hunter, titan, warlock

parent, pve, casual, warlock, titan, microphone

pve, parent, profanity ok, hunter, raider

xbox one, adult, pvp, 305 hunter, 305 warlock, 305 titan

BigSteyfo007 / Stefan

pvp, raider, mayhen clash, sherpa, dutch/german/english, adults only


hunter celestial, titan 335, warlock 335, play day time, play night time, uk based

titan, warlock, hunter, pve, parent, serious but chill