Greetings Guardians...I'm an avid gamer and a truck driver. I try to allocate as much time as possible daily but sometimes it's just not possible, life sometimes gets in the way. I'm always down to help a fellow Guardian with activities, raids/strikes, and maybe some Freestyle Sparrow antics on Mars. ;) *****PS***** I *TRY* to set games up a couple hours before I get home, but it seems that didn't work out so well recently. If you join a game I've set up, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me out...set up a party, or get the game lobby moving. I do my best like I said above to be as punctual as possible.

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i take pvp a little too serious, profanity ok, raid, trials, mic, xbox one

not a squeaker, dont make me explain, fun, pvp rookie, profanity ok, sherpa

college student

pve, profanity ok, parent

pve, profanity ok, parent

xI Tr3 Iz SIkKx

parent, warlock 400, hunter 400, titan (main) 400, sherpa, profanity ok


titan, warlock, swordbearer, relic runner, gaze holder, osiris noob