- Activity Score: 271
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1823
- Male 38 Years Old
- Edinburgh
- Usually plays Weekday Evenings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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sense of humor is required, day one player, warlock, titan, hunter, every weapon
pve, 3 guardians, just want to have fun
raider, pvp trials all weekend, very experienced in all the content in the game., mic
sherpa, pve, pvp
warlock, titan, hunter
if i say left i probably mean right, shoots stuff, pangolin supremacy zealot
sunsinger, ps4, warlock, relic runner, chief bottle washer
ps4, pve, raid, pvp, hidden sherpa
warlock, hunter, running late, sherpa, titan, unstable light guaranteed