I play more often on weekends, a bit on week nights. I have mic on most of the time, but if my son is sleeping, I will be only hearing you.
I am a very patient guy, and will be more than happy to run with you or provide advice.
- Activity Score: 578
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 965
- Male 40 Years Old
- Chennai
- Usually plays Weekday Afternoons and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 1-10
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d983, the 100, warlock, chill runs, poe, nightfalls, raids, crucible, beautiful victoria bc
titan, raid veteran, pve
mic, pvp, parent, hunter, titan, touch of malice
gunslinger, mic, parent, ps4
hunter master race, rad dude, parent, sherpa, naps are my weakness
warlock, titan, sporadic playing times, ps4, hunter
sherpa, raid veteran, pve, pvp, grandparent, karma is appreciated!, destiny rat
pvp, parent, pve
pve, student, pvp
hunter, warlock main, raid experienced, crucible, ps4, titan