- Activity Score: 367
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1050
- Male 30 Years Old
- Berlin
- Usually plays Weekday Evenings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
- Profanity OK
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ps4, relic runner, all classes represent, nightfall, raider, microphone
xbox one, titan, weekly challenges, total chump, no skillz whatsoever
nightmare727b, loot queen, quests, nightfalls, weeklys, strikes
noob, xbox one, hatecrucible, raid rookie
titan master race, raider, pvp cannon fodder, dad
lets have fun, raids, trials, pvp,, titan, hunter, warlock., sherpa
pain train, sherpa, hunter, warlock, titan, microphone
a_toxic_arrow (ps4), all 40's, arrow0nfire, mainly hunter, relic and sword runner, xbox one
warlock, pvp, parent, pve, xbox one