Hello there. my name is Randy(look it up, funny name) thats why psn is The-Randy-Man. I like to play with a really chill group, and by chill I mean not putting anyone down. Everyone is human so we all have our off days. I am a parent, I have two boys and a little lady, you most likely will hear them. Other than that lets get out there and shoot some shit.
- Activity Score: 211
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1595
- Male 31 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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raider, pve, warlock
parent, ps4, microphone, warlock
titan, hunter, warlock, microphone, raider
titan, warlock, hunter, willing to help, pve
pve, pvp, microphone
profanity ok, microphone, raid rookie, pvp, pve, titan
sherpa, ps4, mic, hunter main
parent, titan, ps4
pvp, pve, no profanity, parent, mic