PS4/PS5) US/EU Global (μεΦ) BΣYӨПD is Recruiting | PVE & PVP | Trials| Clan Tournaments | Teaching | Raid Marathons| All Ages allowed | DISCORD | Active Clan |Hardcore&Casuals New to destiny 2 or even been through a great experience of D1 you always matter to The BΣYӨПD family. We do own 40+ members with your help we can reach together for more even the impossible. BΣYӨПD Founded in 2018 on D2, we strive to make this an enviorment friendly and fun. We pride ourselves on teamwork, dedication, and respect if you'll have any questions please advise the Admin Team for further issues the founder. Rules and Requirements 1. We absolutely will not tolerate any form of hate speech harrassment or a toxic gaming enviorment. 2. Respect each other its just a game enjoy wether its fun or not. Your real life goes first. having a issue with another member. please msg The Admin team or founder for serious problems. 3. Joining the clan requires you to join a Communication platform. there for you won't miss out on clan activity's changes and other. be aware of notifications 4. Private Grouping consistent is not allowed we work as a clan Awareness no new content means a decrease of player activity in this clan. Process of joining BΣYӨПD step 1. Contact Founder or admin on this website or send a playstation message to psn gamertag: Reptilliano. from there you get the option to join one of our communication platforms these will inlcude: Discord/PSN clan chat. step 2. Interview: the Founder or admins decide to have an interview from tekst or mic-party to began the interview. This will only take around 10 minutes nothing on private will be asked. step 3. Finale Decision: when the 10 minute interview ends it will be up to admin or founder to approve or decline you're spot on BΣYӨПD Family. don't forget you're own choice matters too! We appericiate people who have read our post!

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