Bungie Name: oleWhiskey#4496 xbox gamertag: oleWhiskey I run all 3 Characters PVE and Endgame content I try to help others get what they need as well. More than likely you will either see me running Raids or farming.

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raider, all classes, parent, microphone

In The Trenches

sherpa, profanity ok, parent, hunter/titan/warlock


profanity ok, pve, pvp


hunter, titan, warlock


parent, profanity ok, that'll be the end of it. i will not look for you., will blow bloody doors off, done some raids, would like to end up in an old folks home where a nice man comes and shows us owls twice a year

profanity ok, pve, work too much to play


hunter, warlock, titan, weekly challenges, microphone, xbox one


weekly, dailies, pve, raid, sherpa, xbox one


increasingly clueless, dutch, english, jumping puzzles will kill you, teamplayer, wizards suck