- Activity Score: 330
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1553
- Male 30 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
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flawless raider, friendly & helpful guardian, hunter, raid, strikes, nightfall
uk, mic, hunter, warlock, titan, ps4
raider, weekly challenges, sherpa, ps4, titan, hunter
all ghosts found, 50 fragments, all exotics, swordbearer, relic holder, runner
pvp, pve, profanity ok, what i wouldn't give to fight again beyond the walls, i would tear out a vex heart with my teeth, i would sear the cabal with my burning light, challenge the fallen kells to personal combat and scatter them, i-i've been watching too many crucible matches
day one, profanity ok, sherpa, pvp, parent, pve
sherpa, profanity ok, pve