Clan leader of Dexter's Midnight Raiders. Hunter main, Titan and Warlock alts. Likes collecting armor sets. PvE 80%, PvP 20%.
- Activity Score: 2213
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1999
- Male 39 Years Old
- Central Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 1-10
- Profanity OK
- PSN Profile
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pvp, defender titan, pve, warlock - can't jump, d2-sentinel
pvp, pve, sherpa, profanity ok, parent
parent, pvp, pve, raid rookie
casual, pve, pvp, parent
profanity ok, raid rookie, pve
fun, pve, parent
nightstalker, striker, defender, sunbreaker, titan master race, pvp
pve, parent
titan, mostly pve