- Activity Score: 907
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1290
- Male 32 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
- Profanity OK
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more cheese please, profanity required, rubberbanding pro strats, all the things, triumph score whore
the bomb dot com
warlock main, hunter, titan, some pvp, pve, microphone
pve, pvp, profanity ok
profanity ok, pve, pvp, college student, student, iron banner sherpa
yams are tubers too., music, pvp, parent, profanity ok
first of her name, singer of songs, made up songs, and kitty songs, the caffeinated, buster of moves, titan of the twilight (garrison), eater of all the snacks
i have a certain set of skills...
ps4, last best hope for peace, mic