Flawless raider. Lore nerd. Occasional PVP try-hard.
- Activity Score: 312
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1350
- Male 42 Years Old
- London
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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a patient chilled relaxed raid sherpa who doesn't mind the grind, parent, pve, profanity ok, sherpa
hardcore, pvp, parent, premium dps, guardian down is my middle name, shenanigan sherpa
sherpa, pve, pvp, parent
hardcore, profanity ok, microphone, beginners welcome, play 20+ hours a week, pvp
335 hunter 334 titan 334 warlock, sherpa, pvp/pve, grimoire hunter, crota/ oryx/ poe, mic
play 10+ hours a week, titan, hunter, odd schedule, casual, pve
gaze grabber, relic runner, pve, always dtr, titan, raid
profanity ok, pve, parent, 400 ll
pvp, pve, profanity ok