The house specialties include:- shooting stuff in the face, shooting stuff not in the face, being shot in the face, being shot not in the face and suicide by rocket launcher... If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team (editors note, this guy is no way associated with the A-Team... he's normally too drunk).

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microphone, titan, warlock, it's beer thirty... somewhere


titan, hunter, warlock, pve, profanity ok, parent


hunter, titan, warlock

xbox one, titan, parent, profanity ok

titan, pc, pve, warlock, hunter, microphone

pve, parent, raid rookie

xbox one, microphone, warlock


adults only, outdoors, pve, profanity ok, titan

xbox one, microphone, weekly challenges, profanity ok