To allow more diversity in chat, we have set up a Discord Server for the group. Please join us over there. A link to the server is contained under the Useful Links button above.
For those unaware of Discord, it is an app/website that allows multiple chat channels. It will also host voice chat for our Destiny 2 PC players when that time rolls around. Discord can be downloaded as an app on iOS and Android devices.
Upcoming Games
No upcoming games currently.
Upcoming Alliance Games
- 02:00 AM PST - WED 03/05
- Xbox
- Alpha Company 807
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 1 waitlist
Boss, and some pinnacles ? Space for Forjo and Fisk
JCAW 2023
Forjo#2303 Forjo#2303 2032 waitlist #1
Most Active Members
xbox, microphone, profanity ok
destiny stuff.....
hunter, casual, weekly challenges, raider, profanity ok, pvp
fun, run, gaze, relic, sword
xbox one, psn: zhitnik44
finger bang!, i'm going to finger bang you all night long!, pewpewpewpewpew