Welcome to Hero Squad!
After you've joined the group here on the100, join our Bungie.net group/clan! Go to https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/805076 or search by clan name "The 100 Hero Squad".
While we hover around our soft cap of 100 members, did you know that we can support up to 120 members? All it requires is a referral link to allow someone to join when we are at 100 members or more. Use the "invite friends >>" link above to get the referral link or to send a friend a referral email. Returning members who may have been kicked due to inactivity can contact one of the mods and we can get a link to you.
Need to contact the mods about something in private? Email us: [email protected]

Most members of Hero Squad don't use the on-site chat on the100.io - instead you'll find us in our Line messenger app chat rooms, talking strategy, memes, and all things Destiny (and beyond) 24/7. We also use the app to schedule impromptu games and fill out fireteams at the last minute, so make sure you join! Instructions on joining can be found here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/805076/111758699/0/0 Please note, you'll need to be part of our Bungie.net group before you can see the post, so make sure you've joined!
Has joining the100 changed your Destiny experience for the better?
If so, please consider donating to the site creator.
Become a Supporter!!
Get yer Hero Squad merch here and here.
Hero Squad?
Session Tips:
The majority of Hero Squad plays in the evenings and weekends EST/CST, most active from 6 p.m. - midnight EST. If you mostly play outside our active times, you might want to join additional 100 groups that fit your available playtimes better. If you do not participate in any group activities for longer than 60 days, you will be removed to make room for more active members but are welcome to re-join at any time.
If your session isn't filling up, you can open it to other groups by unchecking the "group only" option while editing the session, but we ask that all sessions remain set to "group only" until two hours before start time, to give as many Hero Squad members a chance to sign up as possible. We're looking for active clan members who want to play with a consistent group, not just LFG pickups.
Give as much lead time as possible when posting a session, as most of the group tends to schedule activities in advance. And if you are running late, can't make it, or have to reschedule, let everyone know via the session chat (make sure to use the @all tag so everyone sees it).
New to the group? Try joining a few sessions before posting one yourself, especially when it comes to hard mode content. Or try posting some lower-key sessions like strikes or quests/bounties first, it's a great way to get to know folks, and we're always happy to help with exotic quests and other activities you might need a hand with!
Setting some expectations in the session description in terms of experience levels and what kind of run you’re looking for is fine. Overly-aggressive LFG language like “318LL, no scrubs!” isn’t cool. We’re a close-knit, welcoming clan, we joke around a lot and do our best to help each other out.
Feel free to create non-Destiny Xbox One sessions!
Upcoming Games
This group has chosen to make all games private.
Most Active Members
bagel, sherpa, panda