We are a group of friendly Destiny 2 players, mostly from Europe but many of our members are also from North America.
Having fun, showing respect and helping each other are the core philosophies of BC30. You will find a mix of guardians in BC30, from the tryhard triumph hunters and Rivensbane warlocks, to the Iron Banner casual Titans.
We post a mix of sessions with different requirements. Some are KWTD but never 10+ clears, and some open to all or sherpas. We have active raid and pvp members in our group, some dedicating themselves to Shax’s crucible, others to the latest raid triumphs and many in between.
We play and talk about other games, sometimes together but the world of Destiny is what brings us together. Having a sense of humour and a good attitude are a must. Come play!
SLACK is where all of our communication happens. We don’t really use the 100 inbuilt chat system. Join the slack, say hello. A mod should welcome you and explain where all the different conversations happen.(Type bravocompany30 and use your email address to login.) This is your next step after joining the 100 group.
Anyone can join the 100 page and join public games. If you want to be part of our clan tag here is a simple guide of how to best integrate yourself:
Step 1 - Join us on the 100
Step 2 - Join our slack, (Type bravocompany30 and use your email address to login). Say hello, tell us a bit about yourself and your experience with Destiny.
Step 3 - Join some games and say hello in person. Post a game of your own if you want and tell us about it in the right channel on slack, but give enough days for it to fill, especially in content light moments in Destiny.
Step 4 - Join the waiting list and when you're still enjoying playing with us after a month we'll bump you into our clan when there's space. Contact a mod and let us know your waiting and keen if we for whatever reason don’t respond.
You will be expected to be an active member of the clan. Remaining as a member in good standing requires playing Destiny with your fellow BC30 members on a regular basis and signing up for and creating sessions on the100. Members who have stopped playing or taking part in clan activities for more than five months (or two Destiny releases) may be removed from the clan (this will be checked via the100.io and Destiny API). Being removed from the clan doesn't mean you're banned and as soon as you start playing Destiny again you're welcome back in our clan when there's room. We just want to maintain a healthy playing population, rather than a static dwindling one.
If you want any further information or want to talk to a mod email us HERE.
Below is a list of our current games. Join one or post your own.
Sunday 30/06/2024 | |
19:00 · Crucible - Trials of Osiris | [JOIN] |
We have put together a pretty comprehensive Destiny 2 resource document for everyone to enjoy. You will find nightfall tips, raid guides, challenge information, pvp tips and a plethora of generally useful links to help navigate the rich content from Destiny 2. We welcome any input / collaboration to make this even better and up to date. [Needs Updating]
We primarily (99%) play on PS4/PS5. However there is a growing PC population since cross save, so every so often a pc game might hit the 100 or organised between friends. If you are also playing on pc let us know.
Upcoming Games
No upcoming games currently.
Upcoming Alliance Games
- 12:00 PM PDT - WED 04/02
- Boom Squad
- Mic required
- 1 Player / 3
- 12:00 PM PDT - FRI 04/04
- Boom Squad
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Void run
Drathro81 Drathro81#7084 2030
kirkygamer 2033
perera74 2039
- 12:00 PM PDT - SAT 04/05
- Boom Squad
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
Jennikay 2030
kirkygamer 2033
Zinthos 2034
trontor trontor#9050 2037
Giz29 2037
milesteg80 Milesteg80#2192 2032
Most Active Members
profanity ok, here's where you manage tags. thanks, i have now managed my tags., parent
destiny, destiny 2, trophies, raids, quick learner
raider, voidwalker, hunter, warlock, titan
pve, profanity ok, titan
profanity ok, parent, pve, pvp, sherpa
This group is currently looking for a new moderator.