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Upcoming Games
- 04:30 PM PST - THU 02/06
- Bravo Company 638
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Chill run for VS Velocity Baton (grenade launcher). All welcome
- WebMech WebMech#8637 2031
- bcoop7 bcoop7#1884 2030
- Generalfoo 2030
- 03:00 PM PST - FRI 02/07
- Bravo Company 638
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Sundered Doctrine Dungeon? Will be contest mode so low expectations. Priority to General and Drkaeo.
- bcoop7 bcoop7#1884 2030
- Drkaeo 2013
- Generalfoo 2030
- 03:00 PM PST - SAT 02/08
- Bravo Company 638
- Mic required
- 2 Players / 3
- 06:00 AM PST - SUN 02/09
- Bravo Company 638
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 6
Lets give it a go. PSN please.
- bcoop7 bcoop7#1884 2030
- Drkaeo 2013
- Generalfoo 2030