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experienced raider, profanity ok, play 20+ hours a week, pvp, pve, microphone required

Upcoming Games

Need to complete for catalyst

  • 06:30 PM PDT - WED 09/18
  • PSN
  • Owl Sector Group
  • Mic required
  • 4 Players / 6
  • 1 reserve

All players and skill levels welcome! Week 2 IB: Community night...who's in? Come and go as you need to, but sign up if interested. Fireteam will be filled in order of sign ups. Everyone welcome!

  • 07:00 PM PDT - THU 09/19
  • PSN
  • Owl Sector Group
  • Mic required
  • 6 Players / 6
  • 2 waitlist

The moonshine will be flowing

  • 11:00 AM PDT - SAT 09/21
  • PSN
  • Owl Sector Group
  • Mic required
  • 6 Players / 6
  • 1 waitlist

Sherpa Requested! Never been in this one. Help appreciated 🙂

  • 06:30 PM PDT - FRI 10/11
  • PSN
  • Owl Sector Group
  • Mic required
  • 3 Players / 3
  • 1 waitlist

Contest Dungeon

Contest dungeon

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experienced raider, profanity ok, play 20+ hours a week, pvp, pve, microphone required

Group Platforms
Games Played
Group Sherpas


Group Alliances

Owl Sector Alliance