That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Rhulk Indomitable, AKA Kung Fu Daddy is back and more powerful than before. I'm guessing we'll need a second day to finish this out. But, if things go smoothly, we can go back to finish the platinum on Oryx.

Week 3: Grim's last week before vaca. This week: Golgoroth, Caretaker, Zo'aurc, Atraks-1, Oryx, Rhulk. You thought -10 was bad, this week is -15. I've called ads and blinding GL. KT and Primo will inspect loadouts. I expect there will be shaming

Full normal run for more disappointment. Or maybe something else. Grim is still missing all those"God rolls."

Grim needs that clear to finish the title. Normal Run/Legendary Run. Whatever is needed for the quest and all that jazz.

Here we stand again, yet another flawless attempt.

Pantheon Week 2, aka the week Grim mains Titan. Up this week: Golgoroth, Caretaker, Zo'aurc, Atraks-1, and Oryx. 10 power under. Watch the videos, but not the ones by Fallout.

Still farming God rolls. I suck so need that carry to wave 10 and reset.



hunter, titan, warlock


vog relic holder, oryx, crota swordbearer, sherpa, flawless raider sherpa, speaker of bad puns


no ragers, this is a game, don't like jumping puzzles, profanity expected, happy to be part of the team, warlock, parent

student, profanity ok, raid rookie

Mad Mux

mercy, lucio,, reinhardt, soldier: 76, raider

hunter, warlock, xbox one


hunter, xbox one, warlock, microphone, titan


pvp, pve


let's shoot everything, no richards, pve, parent, profanity a must

parent, team friendly player, profanity ok